The Alaska Committee will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, January 23rd, 2021, 9:00 am VIA ZOOM.  Register Here

The Alaska Committee is non-profit organization whose mission is to improve access to Juneau and make our community the best possible capital city for all Alaskans.

The purpose of the meeting is to elect up to 5 candidates for three-year terms to the Board of Directors and to report on the Committee’s activities and accomplishments during the past year. Anyone interested in serving on the Board must submit a
signed expression of interest to the Alaska Committee by email to, or by mail to P.O. Box 22138, Juneau, AK 99802-2138 by Wednesday, January 13th. Candidates should include a resume with a cover letter explaining why they want to serve and what skills and attributes they can bring to the work of the Committee.

Directors must be willing to attend up to 12 regularly scheduled 7:00 a.m. meetings a year, chair and/or attend subcommittee meetings, solicit financial contributions to support the work of the committee, staff committee booths, act as a local
host during the legislative session and assist in other Committee business. Anyone desiring further information may email: